In charge of your digital data
Your digital identity in one app
Yivi benefits
In control of your data
You decide what data to share and with whom
Login without passwords
You only need a mobile phone and PIN to sign into many different websites.
Securely stored on your phone
You’re the one who manages your personal data on your phone. Only you can access it, not even Yivi.
Take control of your own data with Yivi, you ID app. And prevent a proliferation of accounts at various organisations. You protect your privacy by sharing fewer personal details. You’ll store your data in a place only you can access: your phone. It’s your data, so you’re in charge.
All You. All yours.
Login without password
No more passwords to remember
Do I enter my email address or my name? And what was my password again? That long sequence or did I use a shorter one? With Yivi, signing in is a piece of cake. You scan the QR code with your Yivi app and securely share your data. No need to remember any account details and passwords. Easy-peasy.

Organise your affairs digitally
You decide what to share
Booking an appointment with your GP? Do so by entering just your email address with Yivi. Voting in your municipality? Share your postal code. Nothing more, because that’s all they need to know. Buying cinema tickets? Only show that you’re over 18 – the rest is none of their business. Yivi makes it easy to run digital errands. And you’ll only share the absolutely necessary information.
Digital signing, the easy way
Digital signing
Yivi also allows you to digitally sign and approve things. Your personal data then form a kind of digital stamp. So you can use Yivi to digitally sign as a citizen or approve something digitally from another business role.

Show what matters to you
Ever have of those days where you’re completely swamped? Running from one appointment to the next. And to make things worse, now your municipality is asking for your thoughts on their plans for your neighbourhood. Quite important, but you barely have a minute to spare. Thankfully, you can use Yivi to quickly decide on that new charging station. Right from your phone.
How Yivi works
Switching to something new can be complicated. That’s why we’ve made it as simple as we could. Here’s how you can get started with Yivi: download the free Yivi app, choose a PIN, enter your email, and collect your (Dutch citizen) data via DigiD. And you’ll be set in 5 minutes!

Your privacy and security are key
You decide what and with whom you share your data. So you never share more data than necessary. For example, if you want to order tickets for that exciting 18+ film, Yivi allows you to prove that you are 18 years or older by ticking the box, without sharing your date of birth. This protects your privacy. Your data are also conveniently stored in one place where only you can access them: your mobile phone. No one is watching you. Not even Yivi. Moreover, Yivi was built by SIDN, a not-for-profit organisation.